jrsoftware.org // Jordan Russell's Software


-Inno Setup







visitors since
Jan. 1998

Inno Setup Forums

Discussion forums are available for discussing issues related to Inno Setup. On them you may post your questions, observations, ideas for new features, and reports of possible bugs.

Please do not post messages about your antivirus program here but contact its vendor instead.

Link to the main forum (reading via e-mail is also possible, see below)

Before posting for the first time, please read over the Usage Tips and Tricks listed below.

Before asking a question, please try the Search function of the forum.

Forum Available Interfaces Description
innosetup Web | E-mail Discussion of issues related to Inno Setup.
innosetup-test Web | E-mail If you need to test if posting functionality is working properly, post a message in this group.

These forums replaced the previously used newsgroups in October 2019. An archive of these newsgroups is available at Code News Fast. Include the term ^jrsoftware in your search query to limit it to the archive of the JRSoftware newsgroups.

Usage Tips and Tricks

  • Reading via e-mail:
    • You can get new messages via e-mail by subscribing to the forum.
    • By using a server or client side filter to move these notifications to a separate folder and enabling conversations on this folder you can replicate the old newsgroup look and feel and avoid cluttering your main inbox.
    • You can subscribe without using an account by sending an e-mail to innosetup+subscribe AT googlegroups.com or innosetup-test+subscribe AT googlegroups.com and replying to the confirmation by e-mail. Check your spam folder if you don't receive any confirmation.
    • Subscribing to the forum by using the web interface requires a Google account but this does NOT require a Gmail account, see https://accounts.google.com/SignUpWithoutGmail.
    • After subscribing by using the web interface you can logout of your Google account to avoid any tracking while still getting new messages via e-mails.
    • If you do not get any messages via e-mail after subscribing check your spam folder.
    • The forum hides its member list, so subscribing does not reveal your e-mail address or name to others.
  • Any messages detected as spam are moderated before being posted to the forum. All other messages are unmoderated except for your first post as a new user.

Site contents Copyright © 1997-2024 Jordan Russell. All rights reserved.
Portions Copyright © 2000-2024 Martijn Laan. All rights reserved.