function ProcessorArchitecture: TSetupProcessorArchitecture;
Returns the architecture of the system's Windows installation.
TSetupProcessorArchitecture is an enumerated type, defined as:
TSetupProcessorArchitecture = (paUnknown, paX86, paX64, paArm32, paArm64);
paUnknown is returned if Setup/Uninstall does not recognize the architecture of the Windows installation. It can be assumed that an "unknown" architecture is at least capable of executing 32-bit x86 code, or Setup/Uninstall wouldn't be running at all.
paArm32 is not a possible return value for this function because no version of Windows for 32-bit Arm processors had the ability to run x86 binaries. (An x86 emulator was first introduced in Arm64 Windows.)
var S: String; begin case ProcessorArchitecture of paX86: S := 'x86'; paX64: S := 'x64'; paArm64: S := 'Arm64'; else S := 'Unrecognized'; end; MsgBox('Windows architecture: ' + S, mbInformation, MB_OK); end;
Architecture Identifier Matchers like IsX64Compatible