function IsDotNetInstalled(const MinVersion: TDotNetVersion; const MinServicePack: Cardinal): Boolean;
Returns True if the .NET Framework with the specified MinVersion and MinServicePack parameters is installed.
TDotNetVersion is defined as:
TDotNetVersion = (net11, net20, net30, net35, net4Client, net4Full, net45, net451, net452, net46, net461, net462, net47, net471, net472, net48, net481);
function InitializeSetup: Boolean; begin Result := IsDotNetInstalled(net462, 0); //Returns True if .NET Framework version 4.6.2 is installed, or a compatible version such as 4.8.1 if not Result then SuppressibleMsgBox(FmtMessage(SetupMessage(msgWinVersionTooLowError), ['.NET Framework', '4.6.2']), mbCriticalError, MB_OK, IDOK); end;